Cult of the Lamb Wiki
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Achievements in Cult of the Lamb are unlocked by progressing through the story, collecting items, recruiting followers, defeating bosses, and completing optional challenges. There are 48 achievements total, with 4 being hidden.


Name Image Description Unlock Method
First Follower
First Follower
The first devotee to the Cult of the Lamb. Recruit a follower.
Deal with the Devil
Deal With the Devil
A deal that cannot be undone. Complete the interactive intro cutscene.
Preacher of Truth
Preacher Of Truth
Let the Word be known. Choose your first doctrine.
The First Death
The First Death
Salvation awaits the fallen soul. Have a follower die due to any cause.
Death to Non-Believers
Death To Non-Believers V2
Defeat the first mini-boss. Defeat Amdusias.
The Flock Grows
The Flock Grows
Gain 5 Followers. Gain five Followers.
Flock of Many
Flock of Many
Gain 10 Followers. Gain ten Followers.
Flock of All
Flock of All
Gain 20 Followers. Gain twenty Followers.
See No Evil
See No Evil
Defeat Leshy. Kill the final boss of Darkwood.
Speak No Evil
Speak No Evil
Defeat Heket. Kill the final boss of Anura.
Hear No Evil
Hear No Evil
Defeat Kallamar. Kill the final boss of Anchordeep.
Think No Evil
Think No Evil
Defeat Shamura. Kill the final boss of Silk Cradle.
Do No Evil
Do No Evil
Defeat the One Who Waits. You must choose Refuse when meeting with The One Who Waits after deating all the Bishops. Neither choice after the fight will prevent you from unlocking this achievement.
Beat Leshy without taking damage. If you do not succeed in not taking damage before defeating him, break the statue of him that spawns in the first room of each level of a crusade. It will summon a portal, allowing you to refight him.
Post-game requires you to fight him in Purgatory as the ones at Darkwood Purge does not count towards the achievement.
Beat Heket without taking damage. If you do not succeed in not taking damage before defeating her, break the statue of her that spawns in the first room of each level of a crusade. It will summon a portal, allowing you to refight her.
Post-game requires you to fight her in Purgatory as the ones at Anura Purge does not count towards the achievement.
Beat Kallamar without taking damage. If you do not succeed in not taking damage before defeating him, break the statue of him that spawns in the first room of each level of a crusade. It will summon a portal, allowing you to refight him.
Post-game requires you to fight him in Purgatory as the ones at Anchordeep Purge does not count towards the achievement.
Beat Shamura without taking damage. If you do not succeed in not taking damage before defeating them, break the statue of them that spawns in the first room of each level of a crusade. It will summon a portal, allowing you to refight them.
Post-game requires you to fight them in Purgatory as the ones at Spider Silk Purge does not count towards the achievement.
Keeper of Secrets
Keeper of Secrets
Take confession. Use a confession booth.
Leader of the Crusade
Leader of the Crusade
Find all 5 locations. Find all five locations on the map, being The Lonely Shack, Pilgrim's Passage, Spore Grotto, Smuggler's Sanctuary and Midas's Cave.
Bringer of Light
Bringer of Light
Reignite the lighthouse. Talk to the lighthouse keeper in Pilgrim's Passage and he will ask the Lamb to fuel and then repair the lighthouse.
Full Flock
Full Flock
Unlock all Follower Forms. Unlock all of the Follower Forms in the Base Game.
Full Deck
Full Deck
Unlock all tarot cards. See the Tarot Card Wiki Page for more guidance.
Teach a Lamb to Fish
Teach A Lamb to Fish
Catch 1 of every fish. Catch every fish found at Pilgrim's Passage at least once.
Crosser of Thresholds
Crosser of Thresholds
A new world awaits. Complete your first ritual.
Sacrificial Beast
Sacrificial Beast
Sacrifice a Follower. Perform the Sacrifice of the Flesh ritual.
Weigher of Souls
Weigher of Souls
Sacrifice 10 Followers. Perform the Sacrifice of the Flesh ritual 10 times.
Hoarder of Wealth
Hoarder of Wealth
Have 666 gold coins. Have 666 gold coins or more at one time.
Weapons of Plenty
Weapons of Plenty
Unlock all weapons. Unlock all of the weapons by getting enough sermon points to level up.
Curses of Plenty
Curses of Plenty
Unlock all curses. Unlock all of the curses by getting enough sermon points to level up.
Fully upgrade cult. Upgrade to Cult IV.
Unlock a new fleece. Collect enough Holy Talisman Shards to unlock a fleece.
Unlock all fleeces. Collect enough Holy Talisman Shards to unlock all fleeces. Get gifted the final fleece from ??? after defeating the Bishops a second time.
Cannibal Achievement
Cook a Follower meat meal. Feed your follower, or yourself a Minced Follower Meat meal.
Unlock all sermon upgrades. Give sermons to earn sermon points and unlock upgrades.
Game of Chance
Game of Chance
Win a game of Knucklebones. Beat Ratau, Klunko and Bop, Shrumy, or Flinky in a game of Knucklebones.
Master of Chance
Master of Chance
Defeat all opponents in Knucklebones. Defeat Ratau, Flinky, Klunko and Bop, and Shrumy in Knucklebones. Completing the fourth task of the Fox questline before defeating Ratau will cause this achievement to be unobtainable.
No longer a servant, no less than a God. Unlock all other achievements.
Relics of the Old Faith
Relics of the Old Faith
Collect all Relics. Refer to the Relics Wiki Page for guidance on collecting all relics.
Shake Down
Shake Down
Get your gold back from Midas. When you encounter Midas a third time during post-game crusades, attack him as you would any other enemy after he takes your coins.
Slayer of Souls
Slayer of Souls
Complete a row in Purgatory. Successfully complete all rounds for one Fleece within the Dungeon Gauntlet in Purgatory. This excludes DLC Fleeces.
True Love Found
True Love Found
Reunite Baal and Aym with Forneus.
  • Give a Light Necklace and a Dark Necklace to Followers and then use the Sacrifice of the Flesh ritual to get Aym and Baal as Followers.
  • Transform Aym and Baal into demons and take them on a crusade with you to return them to Forneus. They will not be available as followers once this is done.
  • Note: If either Aym and Baal has died but can still be resurrected, you will need to resurrect them if you need to bring them to Forneus.
Leader of Leaders
Leader of Leaders
Indoctrinate all five Bishops into your Cult. Defeat Leshy, Heket, Kallamar and Shamura a second time after meeting ??? and indoctrinate them. If Narinder was killed during the previous encounter instead of indoctrinating him, ??? will instead give him to you after defeating and indoctrinating the last of the four Bishop, thus earning this achievement.
Holder of History
Holder of History
Unlock all lore Find all the Ancient Tablet scattered during crusades, often found at hidden areas within the map.
Setter of Trends
Setter of Trends
Unlock all outfits As the description says, find all unlockable outfits. Outfits from DLC do not count towards this.
Have 12 Disciples Appoint 12 Follower as Disciples with Ritual of Discipleship. Recommended to pair with Golden Skull Necklace.
Aesthetics of the Lamb
Aesthetics of the Lamb
Completely Upgrade the Temple Max out the level of the Temple upgrade with Sins.
Propagate the Flock
Propagate the Flock
Hatch 5 eggs Hatch 5 eggs made by your followers from the tent. Cracking them do not count.
Help Sozo.
  • Resurrect Sozo after his demise by plucking off the mushroom from his head, then replant them at any open Farm Plot. Interact the mushroom after its fully grown to pull out Sozo and give him 5 Menticide Mushroom.
  • Some time after he should give you a quest to bring him a Mushroomo, decline (or let him kill off the mushroomo follower if its was already accepted and the follower is indoctrinated, then decline his next quest)
  • He then will start to dissent against you, after you let him out of jail upon re-education you should get the achievement.