The Red Crown is a crown of great power bestowed upon the Lamb by The One Who Waits. For the crown's broom forms, please check Broom.
The crown is primarily black in color but features a glowing red eye in the center, with a slitted pupil reminiscent of a cat's. The top of the crown splits into two prongs.
While under the form of a one-eyed snake, few layers of red lines can be seen streaking around the body of the crown, with its red eyes protruding at the front.
The crown was originally the property of The One Who Waits and was sealed with him by the Bishops. At the start of the game when the Lamb is beheaded, The One Who Waits gives them the crown, bringing them back from the dead and bestowing powers onto them.
Through the power of the Red Crown, the Lamb became immortal, returning from death if ever killed. It can transform into weapons for killing enemies such as swords, daggers, gauntlets, axes and hammers. However, it also can become tools for camp work, such as a woodaxe for cutting trees, a pickaxe for mining stone, or a broom for cleaning up feces and vomit.
It's unknown exactly how the crown works or if it has a will of its own, but if it is sentient, it seems to be loyal only to its current owner. It does not speak unless it is under the form of a one-eyed snake.
First meeting[]
"Crown Bearer. How wonderful to finally speak. You have come far. Further than they know. "
"Crown Bearer, judge of what is right and wrong, absolute is your word. Their duty is to follow."
"They offer you their loyalty and devotion. It is not enough. I can feel their SIN seep from their souls.
"Harvest it, gather it, USE IT. Lead them into depravity, into the stinky mud of vile repudiation."
"Their Sin is yours. Absolve them, exculpate them, deliver them. I gift you these tools for the task."
[Red Crown gives you the Divine Inspiration upgrades for the Mating Tent, Drum Circle, and Drinkhouse]
"They say that Sin is for gods to judge... do not forget that here, YOU. ARE. THEIR. GOD."
"Their souls are for yours to damn and save. Go. I will never be far."
[Red Crown transforms back into it's normal form]
- While still unknown if the Red Crown has a will/personality of it's own, in the animated video "Fashion & Flesh" by Massive Monster it behaves in a way without the Lamb's commands or intentions- this could possibly mean it's sentient, only to a certain degree.