Cult of the Lamb Wiki

Valefar is the second boss of Darkwood and represents a significant difficulty spike compared to Amdusias.


Valefar bears a strong resemblance to a scaled up jumper worm, however they possesses abilities of both the large worms and of living totem poles.



Purged Valefar

Purged Valefar

Valefar possesses three distinct attacks: jumping at the player 2 times (4 after sufficient damage has been taken) in succession and 2 patterns of projectile attacks, which it indicates with symbols above their head. They will also occasionally stop attacking in order to roar.


For most players it is ill advised to try and attack while Valefar is engaged in their jumping attack. They are invulnerable during the jump itself, producing a damaging AOE on impact and segues into the next jump almost instantly. It is thus better to wait until the current series of jumps is finished before engaging.

When a symbol of a swirl with an upwards pointing arrow displays over Valefar they are about to shoot out a ring of projectiles in each direction, starting with some distance and then dodge rolling through the ring usually results in being able to hit Valefar safely several times.

When an upside down cross displays over Valefar they are about to shoot 8 targeted projectiles at the player in quick succession, ideally circle-strafe Valefar to avoid damage and refrain from attacking until the projectiles are done.


  • The name "Valefar" comes from The Lesser Key of Solomon, a 17th-century grimoire compiling texts on sorcery, angels, and demons. The first book of the grimoire, the Ars Goetia ("Art of Witchcraft"), lists a hierarchy of demons that rule over Hell, with Valefar being one of the Dukes of Hell. He is described as a lion with the head of a man or donkey, and tempts people to steal.

Valefar's appearance in Monster Roadtrip

  • Valefar appears among the group of followers in the Monster Roadtrip crossover — the only non-generic follower to do so. Like the other followers in the crossover, they're portrayed as helpless and very unintelligent, having suggested setting uncleaned Poop on fire due to not knowing how else to clean it in The Lamb's absence, resulting in the cult headquarters being set ablaze.